1, what is the water quality standard of tap water?
A: Tap water quality indicators should meet the “(drinking water quality standards)” (GB5749-85) in the relevant standards, a total of (35) indicators, will soon be piloted in the new standards have (88) indicators.
2, PH test paper to detect the acidity of the solution, the color change and the relationship between the PH value is how?
A: PH test paper to detect the acidity and alkalinity of the solution, the relationship between the color change and the PH value is:

3、What is conductivity, resistivity? How are they converted to each other? And how is the relationship with TDS? A: One of the testing parameters of pure water is conductivity or resistivity, which reflects the ion content contained in the water. Conductivity unit (μs/cm), the detection instrument for (conductivity) meter, common model (CM-230). Resistivity unit for (MΩ.CM), the detection instrument for (resistivity) meter, common models (RM-230). Total dissolved solids (TDS) is a general term for inorganic salts and organic matter dissolved in water. Its main components are calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ions and carbonate ions, bicarbonate ions, chloride ions, sulfate ions and nitrate ions.
4, common customers of industrial water quality standards?
A: The industrial pure water quality requirements of common customers are as follows:

5、What are the filter elements of security filter and precision filter?
A: The filter elements of security filter and precision filter are
(1) PP cotton fusion spray cartridge: used for the vast majority of industrial or drinking water pre-treatment, with 10, 20, 30, 40-inch models.
(2) Wire-wound cartridge (also available in 10-inch, 20-inch models) is mainly used for industrial filtration of coarse particles and sediment, according to the degree of elasticity, there is also a difference in density.
(3) activated carbon cartridge: divided into mesh activated carbon for industrial use and granular activated carbon for water purifier. The main purpose of removing odor and color in the water. Activated carbon materials are mainly anthracite, fruit shells, coconut shells burned carbon (referred to as coconut shell carbon), their main differences are: a different degree of adsorption; b different degree of resistance to stamping, coconut shells are better, but the price is higher.
(4) Microfiltration membrane cartridge: used for ultrapure water or pure water follow-up treatment, after the ultraviolet sterilizer, to remove the remains of bacteria. Filtration accuracy of 0.22μm, 0.45μm, 1.0μm, 2.0μm, etc., more expensive.
6, what is the ion exchange water purifier?
A: The role of the ion exchange process mechanism of the treatment unit
(1) sand filter: also known as mechanical filter, filled with refined quartz sand or both high-quality anthracite, small equipment, general quartz sand selection 0.5-1.0mm, or 1.0-2.0mm, large equipment, quartz sand graded gravel, that is, for the particle size from top to bottom, generally 0.5-1.0mm, or 1.0-2.0mm accounted for 80%, 2.0-4.0mm, or 4.0-8.0mm, 8.0-16.0mm. as the following support layer. Respectively, contact filtration is used to remove suspended solids, colloids and organic matter in the raw water, and reduce the water pollution index SDI ≤ 1.
(2) Activated carbon filter: using high efficiency activated carbon to adsorb colloid, color, humus and residual chlorine in water, residual chlorine content of effluent ≤ 0.1PPM.
(3) Compound bed: use strong acid, strong alkali type ion exchange resin to remove salt initially, prolong the mixed bed regeneration cycle, increase the mixed bed cycle water production, and the conductivity of the effluent water ≤ 10μs/cm.
(4) Mixed bed: use strong acid, strong alkali ion exchange resin to remove salt in depth, water resistivity ≥ 5MΩ-cm, regeneration cycle ≥ 1 week.
(5) 1μ fine filter: used for filtration to remove wear and tear of fine resin particles.
7, the composition of the reverse osmosis host?
A: reverse osmosis pretreatment process description: pretreatment and reverse osmosis part of the composition and purpose of the reverse osmosis device to provide qualified feed water.
A. Reverse osmosis system feed water requirements:
(1) pollution index SDI ≤ 4
(2) chlorine <0.1 ppm
(3) turbidity <1NTU
(4) Fe3 + ≤ 0.01ppm water supply
(5) water supply water temperature range 10 ~ 30 ℃
(6) calcium carbonate saturation index LSI 0B.
Pretreatment is through flocculation, filtration, adsorption and other methods to make reverse osmosis feed water to meet the above requirements, to achieve the following purposes:
Prevent reverse osmosis membrane surface scaling (including CaCO3, CaSO4, SrSO4, CaF2, SiO2, iron and aluminum oxides, etc.);
Prevent the fouling of reverse osmosis membrane by colloidal substances and suspended solid particles;
Prevent organic substances from fouling and degrading the reverse osmosis membrane;
Preventing the fouling of reverse osmosis membranes by microorganisms;
Prevent the oxidizing destruction of reverse osmosis membrane by oxidizing substances;
C. Composition of the pretreatment system:
The raw water contains a variety of impurities, such as suspended matter, colloids, organic matter and inorganic matter. In order to remove suspended solids, colloids, organic matter in water, raw water pretreatment part of the set of multi-media mechanical filter, activated carbon filter, security filter, flocculant dosing and other devices.
Mechanical filter, activated carbon column can effectively remove suspended solids, colloids, organics and other impurities in the water, and adsorption of tap water in the humus, color, odor, residual chlorine, etc., can reduce the turbidity of the water and the pollution index, the water after its treatment is clean, no odor, called clean water. The mechanical filter is filled with anthracite and quartz sand, and the activated carbon filter is filled with high quality activated carbon.
8, raw water pretreatment includes which parts?
A: Raw water pretreatment part: raw water contains a variety of impurities, such as suspended solids, colloids, organic and inorganic substances. In order to ensure the normal operation of the reverse osmosis pre-desalination part of the system, it is necessary to remove the suspended solids, colloids, organics, etc., so that the feed water of reverse osmosis to meet the requirements, so the system is set up in the raw water pre-treatment part.
Raw water pretreatment part includes mechanical filter, activated carbon filter, security filter and other devices.
8.1 Mechanical filter: reverse osmosis equipment on the turbidity of the feed water has high requirements, especially reverse osmosis feed water pollution index SDI value is required to be less than 4, turbidity is less than 1NTU. multi-media filter in the filter media, including five kinds of specifications of the quartz sand and anthracite, used to remove the suspended solids in the raw water and de-stabilization of colloids. Before the raw water enters the mechanical filter, a high-efficiency flocculant is added to more thoroughly remove impurities such as organic matter and colloids from the water. Sent to the activated carbon filter and security filter for further treatment as reverse osmosis equipment feed water.
8.2 activated carbon filter reverse osmosis equipment requires that the residual chlorine content of the feed water is less than 0.1mg / l, so the use of activated carbon filter to remove the residual chlorine in the raw water, to prevent the reverse osmosis membrane contamination. At the same time can further adsorb the organic matter in the raw water. Activated carbon filter filled with refined yeast shell type activated carbon, used to adsorb the residual chlorine in the raw water, organic matter, part of the pigment and harmful substances, to reduce the chemical oxygen consumption COD. activated carbon is widely used in the purification of water for domestic use and industrial water for the food industry, chemical industry, etc. Due to the large specific surface area of the activated carbon, and its surface is full of micropores with an average of 20-30 angstroms, so the activated carbon has a very high adsorption capacity. Activated carbon has high adsorption capacity. In addition, the surface of activated carbon has a large number of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups and other functional groups, which can chemically adsorb organic substances of various natures, as well as electrostatic gravitational force, so activated carbon can also remove humic acid, fulvic acid, lignosulphonic acid and other organic substances in the water, and it can also remove substances such as residual chlorine that are harmful to reverse osmosis membranes and prevent reverse osmosis membranes from being oxidized. Usually it can remove 63%-86% of colloidal substances, about 50% of iron, and 47-60% of organic substances. The process of removing residual chlorine from activated carbon is a simple redox process. This process may cause the activated carbon to break, but the broken activated carbon does not affect the effect of removing residual chlorine, so the effect of activated carbon removing residual chlorine is very strong.
Activated carbon filter utilizes the adsorption property of activated carbon to remove the impurities in the liquid so that the liquid can be purified, and its adsorption capacity is reflected in the following aspects:
1、It can adsorb organic matter, colloidal particles and microorganisms in water.
2, can adsorb chlorine, ammonia, bromine, iodine and other non-metallic substances.
3, can adsorb metal ions, such as silver, arsenic, hairpin, hexavalent chromium, mercury antimony, tin and other ions.
4, can effectively remove color and odor and the pharmaceutical industry to remove the heat source in the water to extend the service life of the exchange resin.
8.3 security filter: security filter belongs to the microfiltration equipment, in the pretreatment system plays a role in the insurance, when the mechanical filter working condition is not normal, in order to ensure that in any case can provide qualified water supply, to prevent particles in the water and pipeline into the pump and reverse osmosis system, specially set up security filter as the last filtering device. When the filter in and out of the enclosure pressure difference is greater than 0.1Mpa when you need to replace the cartridge (due to the filtered media directly into the gap in the microporous membrane, so it is difficult to restore the flux through the acid and alkali cleaning). The structure of the filter can meet the requirement of rapid replacement of the filter element.
Quickly calculate the cartridge over flow: 20 inch 5μ=1 ton/hour, and so on for the others.
9, reverse osmosis water purifier process is how? What is the composition and function of the reverse osmosis desalination system?
1 reverse osmosis water purifier process contains a variety of inorganic salts in the water, with the usual filtration is unable to remove, while the traditional ion exchange method to remove, but faced with acid and alkali consumption, regeneration cycle is short, the labor intensity of the workers and serious environmental pollution and other issues, reverse osmosis technology is the last twenty years in the emerging high and new technology, which uses the principle of reverse osmosis, using a high degree of selective permeability of reverse osmosis membranes, can make the inorganic salt removal rate in water to achieve a high level of inorganic salt removal rate. Inorganic salts in water removal rate of 99%. Therefore, it has the advantages of simple operation, low energy consumption, no pollution, etc., in the preparation of pure water to be widely used.
1.1 High pressure pump:
High-pressure pump is set up to make reverse osmosis water to reach a certain pressure, so that the reverse osmosis process can be carried out, that is, to overcome the osmotic pressure so that water molecules through the reverse osmosis membrane to reach the freshwater layer. High pressure pump for stainless steel multi-stage centrifugal pump, better Denmark Grundfos pump, commonly used domestic Hangzhou South pump, Denmark Grundfos pump, overflow material are 316, (actually 304) electronic control system is designed to become a low-pressure automatic shutdown, high-pressure automatic shutdown, lack of water protection, full of water shutdown, and other humanized functions.
1.2 Reverse osmosis membrane components and pressure vessel:
The reverse osmosis device can remove most of the inorganic salts, particles, bacteria, viruses and other dissolved substances in water. Reverse osmosis membrane module adopts CPA3 high desalination rate low-pressure membrane produced by American Hydronics Company, the material is aromatic polyamide composite membrane, the desalination rate of single membrane is 99.7%, which is the highest desalination rate reverse osmosis membrane module in the world at present. The desalination rate of the system is above 97%, and the recovery rate is above 85-60%.
Membrane knowledge: according to specifications: 2-inch membrane such as: 2021, 2015; 4-inch membrane such as: 4040; 8-inch membrane such as 8040; 4-inch membrane diameter: 106mm, 8-inch membrane diameter: 201mm.
Concentrated water discharge in the production process, generally accounted for 20 to 30% of the total water intake, characterized by: low turbidity, low chromaticity, salt content than tap water 5 times higher. Generally in the electroplating plant are used as pre-treatment water, water quality is better than tap water. Or stored as greening, toilet flushing, car washing water. Under normal use, the average service life of the membrane module is 3 years. The membrane module is designed to operate at a pressure in the range of 1.4-1.7 Map. Pressure vessel that is for reverse osmosis membrane components to provide the working pressure environment of the shell, the use of stainless steel 8 “-5W pressure vessel, rated working pressure of 120PSI, that is, 0.9Mpa, a pressure vessel can be loaded with 5 reverse osmosis membrane components.
1.3 Automatic flushing device:
During the operation of reverse osmosis, the concentration process and concentration polarization will lead to the solid content concentration of raw water contacted on the membrane surface is much larger than the concentration of raw water itself. Therefore, automatic low-pressure flushing device is equipped to carry out low-pressure flushing on the reverse osmosis membrane at regular intervals before startup, after shutdown or after continuous operation for an adjustable period, so that the small amount of pollutants attached to the surface of the membrane can be flushed away. After flushing is completed, the system automatically returns to the state before flushing is initiated. The reverse osmosis unit is equipped with an inlet automatic low-pressure flushing protection device, which automatically flushes the membrane when reverse osmosis is turned on to ensure that membrane contamination is minimized.